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Marxismo cultural e a desqualificação da razão 2
Através do blog do Mister X, cheguei ao seguinte texto: "Right after World War One, in Frankfurt, Germany, the Institute for Social Research – they wanted to call themselves the “Institute for Marxism” but that was too on the nose – was left wondering why the world communist revolution — predicted as a certainty by Marxist social science – was not leading to the international revolution of the proletariat, the actual common working man. And they figured out that capitalism – damn it! – was providing enough comfort and material gain, enough of an increase in the working man’s standard of living – that it just simply wasn’t going to happen. Ever. Now, one kind of person might look at this and say, hooray! People’s lives are getting better – guess we weren’t needed after all. But not these guys. These guys felt they had to bring heaven to earth." O Instituto Para o Marxismo fazia algo comum: comparar a realidade com um paraíso imaginário pra condenar a realidade. Ora, quem pode competir com um mundo de anjos, unicórnios coloridos e abundância eterna oriunda do éter? Isso sim é concorrência desleal. "The Neo-Marxist revolution would not attack the capitalist economy – that was too successful. The target of the new Marxist revolution would be the Culture." Já se perguntou o motivo de existirem tantos socialistas com o dinheiro alheio entre o pessoal da cultura? Pois é. "Nonetheless, many black Americans today have been taught that all of this belongs to them and not the truth, which is that that they were, and are, an integral and essential part of the group effort that built this country together. Likewise, women are told that we live in an evil patriarchy, where all men are tyrants and potential rapists, determined to keep them in a form of domestic slavery, instead of being their partners and helpmates and husbands and protectors. Gays are told not that this is one of the most inclusive and forgiving societies in the history of the world, but rather home to knuckle-dragging, murdering Neanderthals – when in plain sight, across the seas, one and a half billion Muslims routinely hang or stone or crush to death innocent people merely because of their sexual practices." Isso mesmo, senhores de Frankfurt, insuflem o conflito, dividir para conquistar. "And when you try to argue against this social weapon of theirs, this Narrative, this lie that they tell again and again, well then, prepare for their counter-attack, which is called Political Correctness – the attempt to put the argument out of bounds before it can be had. They use terms like Hate Speech and Racism. They want to put our arguments and rebuttals out of bounds so that they don’t have to hear them or deal with them. They have to exclude those arguments because if they don’t, those arguments are going to kick their asses and they know it." Por isso as tentativas eternas dos socialistas em cercear a imprensa e a liberdade de expressão, esses caras não dão ponto sem nó. Dando um exemplo pessoal, alguns amigos da esquerda indie tavam outro dia no Facebook especulando como é que um cara como eu podia se meter a escrever sobre política e economia. Eles não questionavam o conteúdo do que eu escrevia, questionavam a minha autoridade pra escrever o que eu escrevia. Queridos, deixem de lado essa tentação de calar quem discorda de vocês e confiem nas suas capacidades pra explicar por quê o que eu escrevo está errado. Assim que é feito o debate e é assim que avança a civilização. Abs (
quando foi isso, sol? perdi! hehe
ontem passou aqui na tv 'red dawn' heheh lembra deste filme? procura ai que é um cult! hhahahah
Melhor deixar os nomes de fora e se concentrar na veracidade das idéias, Feija.
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