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Libertarians are neither liberals nor conservatives
Se o camarada sabe que o socialismo é uma loucura inviável, isso não o torna automaticamente fã do Bush. Grosso modo, o mainstream político americano se divide entre os liberals Democratas e os conservatives Republicanos. Distante deles, estão os libertarians. Acompanhe esta emocionante aventura: "Here is a very interesting (too clever by half) letter from a conservative now making the rounds, asking for a divorce from liberals; it is addressed as follows: “Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists and Obama supporters, et al:” It is well worth reading, in that it does indeed make some good points against the self styled “progressives.” Here is my open letter response to this author: “Who is this ignorant young man? He doesn’t seem to realize that there are not only two political economic philosophies in play in the world today, but three: left-liberal-pinko-socialist-progressive-Marxists, right-conservative-patriotic-warmongering-imperialist-fascists, but, ALSO, libertarians, who are members of NEITHER of these first two groups. It is my considered opinion that we libertarians are equi-distant from both socialist Democrats on the left, and fascist Republicans on the right.” - Walter Block ( (
Bom... No Brasil o nosso pseudo bipartidarismo (PSDB x PT, com PMDB pegando o dinheiro de todo mundo e fechando com quem vence) levou a um "se você não gosta do PT, é porque gosta do PSDB e é de direita".
No fim das contas, é ainda mais bobo, afinal, PSDB de direita? Ai!
Pois é.
"left-liberal-pinko-socialist-progressive-Marxists" e "right-conservative-patriotic-warmongering-imperialist-fascists"
Muito bom, aeiuaehiuhea. Também pensei em publicar essa carta no meu blog.
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